Tag: Appeal

Compel FINRA arbitration by non-customer
Analysis Arbitration

Refusal to Grant Adjournment

Third Time is not a charm Whale Securities Co., L.P. v. Godfrey, No. 565 (App. Div., 1Dept., 4/4/00): When SAC summarized the decision below, 10 SAC 9(16), we set out the facts in detail and posed the question: “How would you decide?” The question at hand, whether the Arbitrators engaged […]


Arbitrator Refusal to Hear Evidence

Refusal to Hear Evidence is Misconduct Only if Prejudice to Fair Hearing Results Woodley vs. Auerbach, Pollack & Richardson, Inc., Case NO 01-8489-CIV (SD Fla. 11-14/01) Woodley v. Auerbach, Pollak & Richardson, Inc., Case No. 01-8489-CIV-Middlebrooks (S.D. Fla., 11/14/01): An Arbitrator’s refusal to hear “pertinent and material” evidence constitutes misconduct […]